Introduction à AI and IBM Watson
• AI LifecycleManagement
Watson Studio Interface graphique, Prépare et analyse les données dans un environnement intégré - generateur de code au dessus de scikitlearn (lite for free)
Watson Knowledge Catalog asset management pour les jeux de données et les modèles (lite for free)
Watson Machine Learning déploiement des modèles dans les applications (lite for free)
• WatsonIntegrations
Salesforce Partnership Box Partnership : interfaçage avec des suites logicielles
IBM Watson Discovery for Salesforce: Enable customer service agents on Salesforce Service Cloud to search enterprise data sources and resolve complicated cases.
• APIs&Services
Watson Assistant: Créer et deployer des assistants virtuels , creer des bots de type “Alexa” ou “google home” (lite for free)
Watson Discovery, Discovery News: moteur de recherche structure/analyse de “Nouvelles”
Natural Language Understanding : analyse de texte: mots clefs, thèmes, sentiment...
Knowledge Studio : construction de modeles pour Discovery
Language Translator: traduction en ligne (lite for free)
Natural Language Classifier: construction de modeles pour NLU
Personality Insights: analyse de sentiments/caracteres des locuteurs
Tone Analyzer: analyse de sentiments/emotions
Visual Recognition: analyse d’images (lite for free)
Speech to Text: Easily convert audio and voice into written text.
Text to Speech : Convert written text into natural-sounding audio in a variety of languages and voices.
IBM Watson IoT® Platform: Leverage a fully managed, cloud-hosted service for device registration, connectivity, control, rapid visualization and data storage.
IBM Data Refinery: Provide a self-service data preparation tool for data scientists, engineers and business analysts.
Deep learning: Design and deploy deep-learning models, using neural networks that easily scale to hundreds of training runs.
IBM Watson AIOps: Focus on innovation, not outages. Drive new efficiency with AI-powered IT incident resolution, fueled by your own data.
IBM Watson OpenScaleTM: Operate and automate AI across its lifecycle, with trust and transparency.